Innovative Tech Solutions Partner

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Refund Policy

Wireattire Technologies works hard to provide customers with the best items possible. By submitting the required cancellation form on our website within 2–3 days of the agreement date, clients may request to cancel a service agreement. You have the right to request a refund if you are ever dissatisfied with a development. If a customer is dissatisfied with our services, we will return their money within 5-7 business days. The service tax and hourly rates for the work we performed will be subtracted prior to receiving the reimbursement.

No refund will be given if

  • As a result, we are unable to provide compensation for services that have already been rendered.
  • Administrative expenses, installation fees, and taxes spent on services evaluated by regulatory bodies won't be reimbursed.
  • If a service is discontinued due to a customer's violation of the terms and conditions outlined in our Terms & Conditions section, we are unable to give refunds.

The refund will also be applied to the credit card used to make the purchase. The reimbursement will be applied to the same account when paying with a debit card or net banking.